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Zaha Hadid 贏得位於立陶宛之維爾紐斯古根漢博物館競圖

發表於 : 2008-05-06, 11:12
大概是因為在台灣練過古根漢(Guggenheim)的競圖模式,2008年4月所發佈的競圖結果,Zaha Hadid 擊敗Daniel Libeskind 與Massimiliano Fuksas 等知名建築師,贏得古根漢冬宮博物館位於立陶宛-維爾紐斯城(Vilnius, Lithuania)的設計案。

發源於紐約的古根漢基金會將與俄羅斯冬宮博物館(Russian Hermitage Museum)共同使用新設計案完成後所提供的展場空間,未來落成後預期每年將會有40萬人次的遊客,博物館的展覽也將著重於新媒體藝術等層面。

隨著競圖結束,基金會正在組織一個聯合團隊,針對Zaha Hadid 所提出的設計案進行可行性研究,這座博物館預計將於2011年正式開幕,比古根漢基金會另外一座位在阿布達比的博物館還要早兩年。

這次博物館競圖前三名的設計案將會在維爾紐斯的Mekas 視覺藝術中心(Mekas Visual Arts Centre)展出。







民生@報╱民生@報 2008-05-01 18:30

[記者朱立群/報導]立陶宛的維爾紐斯獲選2009年歐洲文化城市,積極文化建設並舉辦各種文化活動,喊出的口號是「culture alive」。這座歷史悠久的城市也想在當代文化上受到更多的注目,維爾紐斯的古根漢博物館就是甚受國際注目的文化投資案。

預計2011年開幕的維爾紐斯古根漢赫米 塔基博物館,zaha hadid的設計圖出線拿首獎,五月定案後就將化為實體。我心想是不是古根漢台中館蓋不成,在維爾紐斯復活了。

台中曾經積極爭取古根漢博物館設館,巧合的是也邀請伊拉克裔女建築師 zaha hadid 畫設計圖,可惜台灣設館計畫流產。而這位建築師曾為台中歌劇院畫過設計圖,拿到第二名再和台灣失之交臂。

我在維爾紐斯的JMVMC(jeno mekok 視覺藝術中心)看到最後決選的三組競圖作品,都十分前衛而流線,各有特色。zaha hadid再度贏得首獎,擊敗兩位知名建築師 Daniel Libeskind 和 Massimliano Fuksa 的競圖。

zaha hadid的設計魅力全球爭寵,她是第一位獲普立茲獎的女性建築師。只是常得獎的她,作品完成的難度也很高,常得獎但都沒有化為實體建築的例子也常有。


未來在維爾紐斯北邊的Neris河岸,背靠高樓的新區,面向世界遺產的舊城,是古根漢博物館預定地。 zaha hadid 設計的流線銀色建築體,猶如外星飄移於此的未來建築,一旦實體化一定會像畢爾包古根漢一樣受到討論。



其實,新的博物館落成要能吸引全球觀光客到訪,除了建築體本身是藝術品,夠有特色,有其可看性外,館內的收藏如果空洞也白搭。而維爾紐斯古根漢博物館除了有古根漢的收藏展出,更有另一座世界級的博物館聖彼德堡赫米塔基(hermitage museum)做後盾,提供館內收藏給維爾紐斯。


維爾紐斯古根漢預估一旦 2011 年建好開幕,每年可望吸引四十萬人次到訪,我想好好宣傳,這數字對台中古根漢應該也不是難事。如今台灣沒有古根漢這個國際名館可宣傳。故宮南館可否每年有40萬外國觀光客衝著南館而來,我也很關心。

9 Aprile 2008
Zaha Hadid Architects announce the winning design for the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania

Zaha Hadid Architects announce the winning design for the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania
Zaha Hadid Architects are delighted to announce the winning design for a new museum and cultural centre in Vilnius. The new centre for international art will house pieces from collections of both the New York based Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and the St. Petersburg based State Hermitage Museum.

A six member jury including Lithuanian Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas, Hermitage Director Mikhail Piotrovsky and Guggenheim Director Thomas Krens awarded the project to Zaha Hadid Architects at a press conference in Vilnius this morning. The international competition for the project was between Zaha Hadid Architects, Studio Daniel Libeskind and Studio Fuksas.

“I am delighted to be working in Vilnius on the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum” states Hadid. “The city will be the European Capital of Culture in 2009 and has a long history of art patronage. With such an interest in the arts, Vilnius will continue to develop as a cultural centre where the connection between culture and public life is critical. This museum will be a place where you can experiment with the idea of galleries, spatial complexity and movement.”

The Guggenheim Hermitage Museum’s sculptural volume is designed along Zaha Hadid’s characteristic conceptual terms of fluidity, velocity and lightness. The building appears like a mystical floating object that seemingly defies gravity. Curvilinear lines echo the elongated contours of the building, offering an enigmatic presence that contrasts with the vertical skyline of Vilnius’ business district. It is a manifestation of the city’s new cultural significance.

The Museum’s design points towards a future architectural language. It is part of an innovative research trajectory within Zaha Hadid Architects that embraces the latest digital design technology and fabrication methods. This enables a seamless transfer of Hadid’s characteristic acceleration curves and sculpted surface modulations from drawing board to realization.