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Craig Dykers (Snohetta 建築師事務所)設計之 911恐怖攻擊紀念館最新圖稿公布

發表於 : 2008-09-10, 02:22
轉貼自The New York Times
Latest Design Is Unveiled for 9/11 Museum
September 9, 2008, 11:06 am
By David W. Dunlap

A design shows the World Trade Center memorial museum pavilion, upper left corner, at night, with two trident columns from the original twin towers housed in its corner atrium. In the foreground and center background are the waterfalls and pools marking the towers' location. (Rendering: Squared Design Lab/National September 11 Memorial and Museum)

Museum Pavilion exterior at dusk. There was a long speech about memory and reflection that we failed to transcribe, so taken were we with the shimmering exterior.

Looking up at the tridents.


The architect Craig Dykers has been working since 2004 on the design of a museum building for the World Trade Center site. In the end, he realized there could be no more powerful a centerpiece than something Minoru Yamasaki designed 45 years ago.

To an otherwise Spartan design for the twin towers, Mr. Yamasaki, the original architect, added one instantly recognizable flourish: trident shaped columns at the base of the buildings, which created an arcade of almost Gothic proportion. Enough of these enormous steel tridents survived the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001, that their familiar silhouettes came to symbolize endurance in the face of catastrophe.

The designs were unveiled at a news conference Tuesday morning on the top floor of 7 World Trade Center.

Two surviving tridents from the north face of the north tower, each almost 90 feet tall, will return to ground zero to be incorporated in the atrium of the museum pavilion designed by Mr. Dykers and his colleagues in the firm Snohetta, which is based in Oslo and New York. This, the latest of several designs for a cultural building at ground zero, was unveiled on Tuesday as the seventh anniversary of 9/11 approached.

「The two tridents placed side by side will create an immediate visual reference to the distinctive 『Gothic arch' motif of the twin towers,」 Snohetta said in a statement of its architectural intentions, 「and, in their re-erection at the site, will convey strength, fortitude, resilience, survival and hope.」

The pavilion will serve as the entrance to the subterranean exhibition galleries of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center. As the only part of the museum that is above ground, the pavilion will be highly visible from the surrounding streets and from the landscaped memorial plaza and pools that will wrap around it on three sides.

Though the broad outlines of the design have been known for some time, the unveiling on Tuesday provided and confirmed some key details about the $80 million pavilion, which is being financed by New York State. The polygonal pavilion will range in height from 57 to 72 feet (roughly equal to a six-story office building). It will contain 47,499 square feet of floor area; 34,834 square feet devoted to public programs and museum functions, the rest to ventilating ductwork and mechanical equipment serving the underground museum, the nearby World Trade Center Transportation Hub and the No. 1 subway line.

The ground floor will have ticket windows, a large security area in which visitors will undergo airport-style screening, and a staircase, escalators and elevators down which they will begin a trip that will lead them nearly 70 feet below street level, ending near an exposed part of the slurry wall. There will also be exit doors ushering them into the heart of the memorial plaza.

On the second floor will be a 180-seat auditorium, a private room in which relatives of 9/11 victims may gather, an overlook from which visitors can take in a sweeping view of the memorial, and a small cafe. (」For sustenance,」 Mr. Dykers said, 「not a restaurant per se.」)

The third floor will be given over entirely to equipment and ventilation.
The museum is to open in 2012, a year after the memorial plaza. It is not yet known whether an admission fee will be charged. Museum officials have estimated the annual maintenance cost of the memorial and museum at $45 million to $50 million. 「If we can get the money from other sources, we won't charge,」 said Joseph C. Daniels, the president and chief executive.

About five million visitors are expected annually, said Alice M. Greenwald, the museum director. The building is designed to handle 1,500 people arriving an hour, she said.

Snohetta's involvement at the site dates to 2004, when the firm was selected to design a museum complex that was to have included the Drawing Center from SoHo and a new institution known as the International Freedom Center. That plan collapsed in 2005. Snohetta then began working on a much smaller structure to serve as the museum's front door.

The current plans call for the pavilion to be clad largely in metal panels — stainless steel, if the budget permits; aluminum if not. The panels will be angled and striated, with alternating bands of polished and matte finish. The design is intended, in part, to add visual interest, especially to the south facade of the building, which would otherwise be a blank wall punctuated by ventilating louvers, since so much mechanical equipment is on that side.

In the northwest corner will be an atrium, running the height of the building and enclosed in an angular framework of glass and steel. This will house the tridents, which are currently stored in a hangar at Kennedy International Airport, and allow them to be seen from within the museum and from around the plaza — especially after dark, when they will be illuminated.

「When they're lit at night, they will guard the site,」 Ms. Greenwald said. 「They're like sentries.」

The large glass enclosure had to be robust enough structurally to withstand the effects of a blast. Among other criteria, glass expanses could be no wider at any point than 15 feet. (Architects and engineers never specify publicly exactly how blast-resistant such features are, for fear that terrorists will use that information to overcome the structural reinforcements.)

The framework had to be supported on irregularly spaced columns below ground. And Mr. Dykers said he did not want the window wall to have purely vertical elements, which would come into conflict visually with the upright tridents.

A computer was harnessed to plot the most efficient locations for the structural members of the framework. The result, designed by Snohetta and the engineers of Buro Happold, is a pattern that looks organic and weblike, reminiscent of some of the earliest designs for the trade center site by Daniel Liebeskind.

From certain perspectives, it might also suggest an explosion, with random, irregular shapes that could be seen as flying shards. No such imagery was consciously intended by the architects, Mr. Dykers said, though he added that the design is not meant to shy away from the 「dualities」 inherent in the new trade center, which will be a place both of mourning and of hope.

Ms. Greenwald suggested there was no wrong way for visitors to view the memorial pavilion.

「Because 9/11 was so much a lived experience,」 she said, 「they will bring their own interpretations to the site. And that's very powerful.」
And though no attempt was made to use the tridents to replicate the towers' facades, she also suggested that they will ultimately serve a kindred function at the memorial. 「They will become a kind of compass point,」 Ms. Greenwald said, 「no matter where you are.」

發表於 : 2008-09-10, 09:57

發表於 : 2008-09-10, 11:16


發表於 : 2008-09-10, 12:00
哈哈,看來三年前(2005年)Snohetta 提案的 WTC Cultural Center 被打入冷宮,現在公布的這個世貿中心紀念館(World Trade Center memorial museum pavilion) 不知道會不會是最後一版?

至於2005年時 Snohetta 做的 WTC Cultural Center 為什麼會被打槍,我目前還沒深究,只大約知道可能是那時的提案尺度不恰當,有點過大了。

有興趣瞭解 Snohetta 所做之 WTC Cultural Center ,可以讀讀 2005年紐約時報記者 NICOLAI OUROUSSOFF 所寫之 A Temple of Contemplation and Conflict,Snohetta 還真有耐心(跟他們長年住在北歐有關嗎?),為了這個案子跟一堆老美及猶太人磨了好幾年,即便昨天公佈的世貿中心紀念館(World Trade Center memorial museum pavilion) 可以順利動工,從 SD 、CD、DD、發包、動工到完工,還不知道要多久呢!

以下是 2005年 Snohetta 提案之 WTC Cultural Center:




發表於 : 2008-09-12, 02:30
The first design was too expansive. Got value engineered to a point, redesign is a better solution.

7 years has gone by, it is still a sunken hole at ground 0. What can I say!

國際/世貿遺址紀念館設計一改再改 爭議難了

發表於 : 2008-09-14, 00:27
http://www.cdnews.com.tw 2008-09-10 12:06:47








At Ground Zero, Little Progress After Seven Years

發表於 : 2008-09-14, 00:29
September 10, 2008
By Sam Lubell

After New York City』s Twin Towers fell in September 2001, rebuilding quickly—and majestically—seemed imperative. But seven years later, there is nothing majestic about the 16-acre World Trade Center site, a construction zone informally called The Pit.

In early July, the property owner, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, announced that all of the projects planned for Ground Zero were over budget and behind schedule. The authority』s executive director, Christopher Ward, delivered the bleak assessment during a meeting hosted by New York』s Downtown Alliance, a nonprofit that promotes development in Lower Manhattan. Ward noted straight off that most of the projects have been 「driven by emotional and political needs,」 and the costs and timetables initially presented to the public are unrealistic. 「We are not going to make any of them,」 he said.

While Ward was vague on details, a 34-page report the authority presented to New York Governor David Paterson pointed to 15 fundamental issues that are holding up progress. The report mentions rising construction costs, incessant demands of stakeholders, the lack of unified leadership, and the unprecedented scope of the redevelopment plan. Noting that there has been 「no efficient decision-making process or steering committee,」 Ward proposed that stakeholders come together and, by the end of September, set 「clear and achievable timelines.」

Some found Ward』s announcement refreshingly honest. 「It was clear he got it right away and understood what it was going to take to make this happen,」 says T.J. Gottesdiener, FAIA, managing partner at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM). Others are not so hopeful. 「People are fed up,」 says Peter Slatin, editor of The Slatin Report, a popular commercial real estate Web site. The parties involved have cast aside the public interest, he says, and turned the rebuilding effort 「into a circus for political and commercial interests.」

There are 26 projects totaling $15 billion planned for the site, according to The New York Times. The centerpiece of the scheme is the SOM-designed Freedom Tower, or 1 World Trade Center. Originally scheduled to be finished this year, construction of the 1,776-foot-tall skyscraper has inched along since foundation work began in 2006. Today, steel columns rise a mere 20 feet above street level.

Still, the Freedom Tower is faring better than Towers 2, 3, 4, and 5—designed by Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Fumihiko Maki, and Kohn Pedersen Fox, respectively. Tower 2 is in the excavation stage, while foundation work on Towers 3 and 4 got under way in February. The Tower 5 project is at a standstill until the former Deutsche Bank building, at 130 Liberty Street, is demolished. Further dampening spirits is a weakening commercial real estate market in Manhattan. The only completed tower at Ground Zero — the 52-story, SOM-designed 7 World Trade Center, which opened in 2006—is only 75 percent filled.

Given the dire situation, project downsizing is likely. Santiago Calatrava』s transit hub, projected to cost up to $3.5 billion, already was scaled back: In July, the hydraulic system that would allow its roof to open and close was eliminated from the proposed design. A performing arts complex by Frank Gehry might not get built at all.

One landmark now under way is the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. The architect Michael Arad, with landscape architect Peter Walker, proposed the competition-winning scheme for the memorial: two pools in an 8-acre, tree-filled plaza. David Brody Bond Aedas designed the museum, located mostly below ground, with an entry pavilion by Snøhetta. Foundation work on both projects is nearing completion.

Joe Daniels, president of the memorial and museum, says it is essential that the memorial be open by the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. The architect, while happy the project is moving forward, is not optimistic it will be finished by September 2011. 「It』s a significant milestone,」 Arad says, 「and I』m disappointed that we』re not going to be able to meet it.」

architectural record

Seven Years After Attacks, No Memorial In NYC

發表於 : 2008-09-14, 00:33
All Things Considered, September 11, 2008 ·

For all the scenes of cranes at work at ground zero in New York City, the site is still a giant, lifeless crater seven years after two hijacked airplanes destroyed the twin towers.

Why is there nothing finished at this point?

Paul Goldberger, architecture critic for The New Yorker magazine, blames the number of stakeholders involved in the project.

"There were simply too many people with too many different interests. And nobody could really run the show. There was no real vision or leadership there," Goldberger says.

Among those at the planning table are the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which built the World Trade Center, as well as Larry Silverstein, the private developer who leased the twin towers.

New York then-Gov. George Pataki, who was in charge on Sept. 11, 2001, also gave the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. a seat.

The new Freedom Tower project is a commercial effort that includes a memorial and some cultural facilities.

Except on paper, the project has not visibly taken shape.

"To be fair, they have begun to configure the lower levels with all the subterranean stuff that you're going to need," Goldberger says. "So they are doing something. It just hasn't come aboveground." He notes that there will be an elaborate underground security system for trucks making deliveries to the complex.

While the goal has always been to restore the site to its original commercial function with an added memorial, there has been conflict over, among other things, what should be more prominent.

Goldberger says that there may be a lesson in building in Beijing, site of the 2008 Olympic Games, where many structures went up well after Sept. 11, 2001.

"Democracy isn't always such a good thing for architecture," he says. "It's a good thing in general, and of course, we don't want to lose it or trade it. But in fact, one of the prices we pay is that big projects take a long time, [and] they create a huge amount of dissent in terms of discussion. In China, there was no discussion. It was simply ordained."


發表於 : 2008-09-14, 00:41
這件案子讓我想到Maya Lin的Vietnam Veterans Memorial...........只是這案子牽涉到很多的因素而演變為更複雜了。

Snohetta 建築師事務所之911恐怖攻擊紀念館有望於911事件十週年完成

發表於 : 2010-04-19, 15:59
距離紐約世貿中心(World Trade Center)遇襲10週年僅剩下17個月的時間,但第一批摩天樓還沒有建造出來。不過紀念館有望在紀念日之前建成。包括開發商和土地所有人在內的利益相關者打破僵局,將加速部分摩天樓的建造。

開發商西爾弗斯坦地產公司(Larry Silverstein)與紐約和新澤西港務局達成協議,盡快建造場地上的主要建築。2010年3月25日,紀念館的建造達到了一個重要階段——兩座標誌性的池塘開始成形。

港務局將提供12億美元的資金,用於4號樓的建造。這座建築預計造價17.5億美元,是槙文彥設計的,有望在2013年建成。Richard Rogers 設計的摩天樓預計造價20億美元,西爾弗斯坦公司將提供3億美元資金,並為40萬平方英呎的辦公空間找到承租人,之後港務局將拿出6億美元資金。

由 Norman Foster 建築師事務所設計的2號樓由於紐約市區地產市場的不景氣而被擱置,不過地基將如期建造。協議中沒有就 Daniel Libeskind 的原規劃做出任何協定,估計要看市場狀況才能決定。

2010年2月份,由 David Childs (SOM 建築師事務所)設計的一號樓已經建造到20層,高度200英呎。估計這座大廈將在2013年建成。

Snohetta 建築師事務所設計之紀念館(National September 11 Memorial and Museum)所有的鋼結構已經安裝,60%的混凝土已經澆注。一旦建成,紀念館的用鋼量為8151噸,超過了巴黎鐵塔。混凝土的總量為4.99 萬立方碼。下一步,紀念池塘旁邊的花崗岩將安裝,並建成美國最大的人工瀑布,每分鐘泵壓的水量為5.2萬加侖。池塘位於原 WTC 雙塔的「足跡」上。2010年底,池塘周圍將種植近400棵橡樹。



Work Advances on Twin Towers Memorial Pools

NEW YORK—More than eight years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, outlines of the World Trade Center towers have re-emerged in the eight-acre memorial planned for the site's redevelopment.

Work crews in recent weeks completed framing the twin towers' massive footprints in steel so they now stand out. They will eventually be transformed into two pools of water in the "Reflecting Absence" memorial honoring the nearly 3,000 people who died that day. Crews were scrambling to finish it by the 10th anniversary of the attacks, when it is scheduled to be the first completed project in the long-delayed development.

But the schedule remained far from certain. While the memorial will likely be finished by Sept. 11, 2011, planners still must figure out how to provide access to the memorial for the multitude of expected visitors while construction continues on other projects.

"It is a challenge," said Joe Daniels, president of the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum, the foundation that will operate the memorial. "But our goal, which we fully expect to meet, is that the 10th anniversary is the first day that we're open and we'll be open forever from that day forward."

A spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owns the site, said "safe, controlled access" will be provided to the memorial. But he said it wasn't clear how that would be done. Construction of office buildings, a transportation terminal and infrastructure is expected to continue at the site for years.

Progress on the memorial comes as officials are trying to resolve other disputes and problems that have slowed rebuilding at Ground Zero, to the embarrassment of city and state officials. Late last month, the Port Authority and developer Larry Silverstein, who signed a 99-year lease for the World Trade Center office space six weeks before the attacks, announced a tentative deal to resolve their long-running battle about how to proceed.

The eight-acre memorial, designed by Michael Arad and Peter Walker, will feature two reflecting pools where the towers stood fed by the largest man-made waterfall in the U.S. The names of the 2,982 victims will be engraved in bronze around the pools, which will be nestled in a man-made forest.

After an emotional debate among families who lost relatives, the foundation and family groups decided to arrange the names on the basis of where they were at the time of the attacks. The names of the six people who died in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing will also be included.

A 100,000-square-foot museum is also planned for the site but isn't scheduled to open until 2012. It will be underneath the memorial and include such things as a fire truck damaged by debris during the Sept. 11 attacks and videos of recovery efforts.

911事件12周年 紀念博物館難產

發表於 : 2013-09-11, 09:19
911事件12周年 紀念博物館難產

2013.09.10 06:36 pm












【2013/09/10 台灣醒報】