


文章 站長eaGer »

http://estate.chinanews.com.cn/news/200 ... 2286.shtml

中新網8月19日電 據中華工商時報報導,時下北京最風光的兩個建築是什麼?北邊的「鳥巢」和中間兒的「巨蛋」。時下北京爭議最大的兩個建築是什麼?還是北邊的「鳥巢」和中間兒的「巨蛋」。

  「鳥巢」是為了2008年北京奧運會修建的國家體育場,「巨蛋」是位於人民大會堂西側的國家大劇院。國家體育場的設計師是來自國外的赫爾佐格和德梅隆(Herzog & de Meuron),國家大劇院的設計師同樣是來自外國的安德魯。老外的設計很大、很洋氣,然而,卻在4年之間連續兩次遭到了國內頂尖科學家的「上書中央質疑」。多位兩院院士在2000年6月為國家大劇院上書中央的建議書中指出了「巨蛋」存在的幾大「不科學、不合理」之處:設計中面積與造價的嚴重超標;造價高昂源於原設計的不合理;無法修補;國內外反對聲強烈。院士們還特彆強調:「這不是學派之爭,而是科學的設計和不科學的設計之爭,是建築需要講求功能合理、經濟節約還是脫離中國實際、無視中國傳統文化之爭。」








文章 beefei »


不得不對他們的「效率」感到刮目相看… :|

文章 YTC »

Paul Andreu Architecte and ADP

這是Paul Andreu在北京所設計的國家劇院,

Paul Andreu以結構造形設計見長。

其設計與同為結構見長的Sandiago Calatrava呈現出很不一樣的感覺,

不過前一陣子Paul Andreu因為巴黎戴高樂機場的坍塌案,牽扯出一些內幕,

讓Paul Andreu 此人極具爭議性。







文章 YTC »


這是之前五月時Paris' Charles de Gaulle-Roissy 機場坍塌時BBC所發佈的消息。

CDG的坍塌當時造成了一陣不小的震撼及討論,事發當時Paul Andreu正在北京主持
北京國家劇院的案子,接獲此消息時馬上趕回巴黎處理相關事情。但Paul Andreu卻



<img src="http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/4 ... ></p>Fresh cracking sounds were reported at Paris' Charles de Gaulle-Roissy airport
on Monday, a day after a roof collapse in a new terminal killed four people.
Workers were moved to safety after the noises were heard in the glass roof.

The evacuation came as technical investigators prepared to start their probe
into how the tragedy happened.

A section of roofing crashed onto a departure lounge, sending the entire section
of the building plunging onto service vehicles below.

Rescuers revised the death toll down from five after confusion over remains found
at the scene.

Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin promised a full investigation.

"The authorities have been mobilised," he said at the scene of the tragedy on
Monday morning.

"Obviously we are thinking of the families of the victims and we are very attentive
to any inquiry which allows us to find out the truth about this accident."

'Nothing revolutionary'

The head of the rescue team, Colonel Frederic Monard, said specialists with sniffer
dogs would make a final round of the site on Monday to check that nothing had
been missed.

<img src="http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/4 ... inf416.jpg" />

"We hope we won't have to find any more victims," he told AFP news agency.
He explained that on Sunday the dogs had identified human remains in five
different locations, hence the initial reports that five people had died.

Three other people were slightly injured.

The Chinese government said two of the dead were Chinese travellers.

AFP said a Czech woman was also identified among the dead, but the nationality of
the other victim is still not known.
The building had been opened for less than a year, but the project's architect said
he would not speculate on possible causes.

Paul Andreu, who is currently working on a new National Theatre in the Chinese
capital, Beijing, said he would fly back to France at once.

"On my return, I will place myself at the disposal of the French airport authorities,"
he said on Sunday.

He added that the concrete, glass and metal structure was "nothing revolutionary".


The accident happened early on Sunday morning, when there were few passengers
in the building.

The victims were crushed beneath slabs of concrete, metal and glass which fell
from the roof of the departure lounge in terminal 2E.

It was 0700 (0500 GMT) and flights from New York and Johannesburg had just
arrived at the terminal. A flight to Prague was due to depart.

An investigation is likely to focus on whether there was a fault in the design of the
ultra-modern building, or whether short cuts had been taken when it was built.

Investigators have raised the possibility of bringing charges of involuntary

Terrorism has been ruled out as a possible cause.

Terminal 2E cost 750m euros (&pound;500m) to build and was opened in June
2003 after delays caused by security concerns and trade union accusations that
construction was being rushed.

The building is used by Air France and the Sky Team alliance.

Paris correspondent Hugh Schofield says the terminal was a key part of the
strategy to turn Paris into Europe's leading airport hub.

That vision has now been dealt a grievous blow, he says.

Story from BBC NEWS:
<a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/e ... 743081.stm" target="_blank">http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/e ... 743081.stm
Published: 2004/05/24 14:14:32 GMT

<a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3742081.stm" target="_blank">Link:Profile: Paul Andreu
<a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3746415.stm" target="_blank">Link:Mystery over the Paris airport collapse
<a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3740567.stm" target="_blank">Link:France's showcase airport under spotlight


文章 站長eaGer »

中國時報 A17/兩岸新聞 2007/02/04
北京「水煮蛋」劇院 七月試用




Pedro Hsieh

文章 Pedro Hsieh »


文章 echo蔓 »

YTC 寫:.

這是之前五月時Paris' Charles de Gaulle-Roissy 機場坍塌時BBC所發佈的消息。

<img src="http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/4 ... 3.jpg"></p>

文章 YL.CHEN »



Beijing builds on foreign footings
By Quentin Sommerville
BBC News, Beijing

From the dust and dirt of north Beijing, China's new national stadium rises spectacularly.

Beijing's skyline has been transformed

A tangle of steel and concrete, China - and the world - have never seen anything like it.

The imagery used to describe it is Chinese - it conjures up lattice work or bowls of noodles - but everyone seems to agree that it looks like a bird's nest.

The influences are Asian, but the architects are not.

Swiss firm Herzog & de Meuron, which designed the structure, is part of a growing army of foreign architects who are setting out a new vision for the Chinese capital.

But this remodelling of Beijing by outsiders has not pleased everyone. Some of the new buildings have infuriated China's architectural establishment and caused a backlash from the Chinese leadership.

Away from the Olympic site, near the bricks and timber of the Forbidden City, it is as if an alien presence has landed.

The new National Theatre was designed by French architect Paul Andreu. He may have imagined a shimmering egg, surrounded by its own moat. But in this dusty city, the egg rarely glistens.

As the country pushes on with urbanisation, it will see a new generation of architects that produce work with a Chinese style

Zhu Pei

Professor Alfred Peng of Tsinghua University, one of its fiercest critics, says the building is unsuitable for Beijing.

"It's totally out of place, it doesn't fit within the whole. It's all courtyard houses around here. This doesn't integrate with any urban fabric in this neighbourhood," he said.

And he believes that the theatre is disconnected from the surrounding hutongs, Beijing's traditional courtyard houses, and the people who live in them.

Different lines

Beijing is an intimate place. As in many Chinese cities, even private spaces are communal. The line between what is public and what is personal differs from the West.

This is something foreigners do not understand, says another architect, Zhu Pei.

"After 1949, a lot of courtyard houses were no longer for one family, they have many families. Even inside the courtyard you have to share, so this means between the public space and the private space you can never draw clear lines. So everything is shared," he said.

But, whether public or private, earlier Chinese architecture was poor.

It was state-controlled, the buildings monolithic and uninspiring. Chinese influences appear as crude afterthoughts, plonked on-top like hats. It left Beijing with no modern landmarks of note.

The CCTV project stoked official displeasure

Adjusting to the single-minded visions of western architects has not been easy, especially when they have created buildings like the new headquarters of state broadcaster CCTV. According to its Dutch architect, Rem Koolhaas, this will be the second biggest building in the world after the Pentagon.

The firm describes its design as a folded loop. Two of its towers will leap out at a six degree angle; a cantilevered section will then connect them mid-air.

It is as if they have taken four of London's Canary Wharf towers and balanced them on top of each other.

Breathtaking it may be, but it has also caused China's leadership to pause for thought.

Wen Jiabao, the Prime Minster, has said some of these new grand projects are style over substance, and their foreign flourishes and excesses could damage the harmony of Chinese society.

Knowledge transfer

For a while the CCTV building, the Bird's Nest stadium and the new National Theatre projects were put on hold.

Eventually they restarted, with some alterations. But new foreign commissions may now be more difficult to come-by.

Ole Scheeren, who is in charge of the Rem Koolhaas project, believes Chinese architects are ready for more responsibility.

"There's an increasing number of Chinese architects that are now taking over more and more significant projects and starting to produce more and more significant architecture," he said.

Zhu Pei is looking to a new generation of Chinese architects

"It's maybe a natural aspect of the process of rapid modernisation that a country in the initial stages of such a process looks abroad for knowledge and technology transfer," he said.

Zhu Pei is part of a new breed of local architect, keen to exploit China's rapid modernisation. Educated at Berkeley in California, his work is definitively but subtly Chinese.

"I feel I have a sense of mission," he said.

He transformed a Mao-era garment building near the Forbidden City into an upmarket hotel.

"I hope I can bring the western way of working, the idea of precision, to architectural design in China.

"As the country pushes on with urbanisation, it will see a new generation of architects that produce work with a Chinese style. I think they will eventually become part of the band of first rate, international architects," he said.

Urbanisation is taking place in China at an improbable speed. The country's cityscapes are being transformed, sometimes with mixed results.

China's own architects have had to learn fast - they now have the tools to build great buildings. But without foreign influence, that would have been unthinkable.

文章 菲桑 »

打腫臉充胖子咩∼ :o
啊,我們那個古什麼漢的大概也半斤八兩吧∼ (:f01:)


文章 隊長 »


中國的首席建築師艾未未和瑞士建築師Herzog以及de Meuron 共同設計了造價$4億美元的鳥窩形國家體育場,艾未未說,中國把這個建築作為國家發展的標誌,引以為驕傲,他因此感到憎惡。這位魁梧的藝術家在接受記者採訪時說:「別再提它了,我拒絕提供所有與它有關的像片,我對它沒興趣.。如果我設計的什麼東西是用於迷惑人,我感到丟人。」




當問到中國要設法掩蓋什麼時,艾未未說:「太多了,從整體政治結構上,到民權,腐敗,污染,教育,你隨便一點滿地都是。」 「然而他們竟敢漠視一切的說『讓我們忘掉這些,儘管點起焰火放花,我們有一幫愚蠢的導演,有一幫投機鑽營的人』。這幫人與他們一起坑人,因為這幫人沒有廉恥而且低級趣味。」



文章 隊長 »

[轉貼] 名建築師與中共奧運宣傳唱反調

http://media.soundofhope.org/audio01/20 ... weiwei.mp3




艾未未是中國著名詩人艾青的兒子。艾青在1957年被打成「右派分子」後,艾未未跟隨父母在北大荒、新疆等地的勞改農場度過自己的童年。他1978 年考入北京電影學院,1981年從北影退學赴美國留學,當過電視劇《北京人在紐約》的副導演,後來回中國發展。