Ball-Nogues Studio 於 2007 YOUNG ARCHITECTS PROGRAM 競賽獲勝


Ball-Nogues Studio 於 2007 YOUNG ARCHITECTS PROGRAM 競賽獲勝

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來自洛杉磯的 Ball-Nogues Studio,贏得了2007年由紐約現代美術館(MOMA|Museum of Modern Art)和它的 QUEEN 區分館「P.S. 1.當代藝術中心」主辦的「2007年輕建築師」競賽(2007 YOUNG ARCHITECTS PROGRAM)。

Ball-Nogues Studio設計的裝置「暢流之空」(Liquid Sky)將於6月21日在「P.S. 1.當代藝術中心」向公眾展出。這個裝置的桿架頂部向下滴水,並且在這個當代藝術中心的院子上方覆蓋一層多彩的薄膜。

Ball-Nogues Studio的負責人Benjamin Ball 說:「我們想在地面上創造一個萬花筒般的彩色圖案。它能變化很多形式。」為了達到這個效果,Ball-Nogues Studio設計了用 Mylar (一種建築系學生畫圖常用的半透明材質圖紙)聚脂薄膜片組成的「鑲嵌式」薄膜表面,它能夠覆蓋兩個巨大的庭院。桿架將支撐這個薄膜表面,幫助劃分庭院內分隔的空間。鮑爾說,巨大的網絡將在桿架之間延伸,形成「吊床群落」(community hammocks)。

競賽大綱要求三個要素:座位數、遮光物和水。這三個要素在「P.S. 1.當代藝術中心」的其他設計中扮演了不同的角色,今年 Ball-Nogues Studio 再次使用它們。儘管「明朗的天空」這個名稱部分涉及到這個裝置的「鑲嵌式」薄膜表面,在一個較小的庭院中它完全不誇張。

這個帶有派對轟趴氣氛的裝置,不可否認地,是高段的材料與營造的結合。他們與 Endres Ware Architects/Engineers 的工程師 Paul Endres 合作,結合使用先進的數位設計技術與傳統造船工業的工法。

紐約現代美術館館長兼競賽委員會的成員 Barry Bergdoll, 讚揚「暢流之空」(Liquid Sky)的設計,是將專門的研究和樂趣結合在一起」。指出了它的結構和外形研究的價值。他說,在夏天,這個裝置將增加「P.S. 1.當代藝術中心」吸引力。

Ball-Nogues Studio has won the 2007 Young Architects Competition, sponsored by New York City's Museum of Modern Art and its Queens affiliate P.S. 1. The firm's installation 「Liquid Sky」 will be unveiled at P.S. 1 on June 21st. It involves dropping water from the tops of utility poles and draping a multicolored membrane over the contemporary art museum's courtyard.

「We wanted to create a kaleidoscopic color pattern on the ground, which ended up driving much of the form,」 explains Benjamin Ball, principal of the Los Angeles-based atelier. To accomplish this, Ball-Nogues designed a tessellated membrane surface of tinted Mylar petals that will canopy the larger of two courtyards. Utility poles will support this membrane, helping to define discrete spaces within the courtyard. Large nets will stretch between the polls, Ball says, forming 「community hammocks.」

The competition brief demands three elements: seating, shade, and water. The last of the three has played a distinctive role in other designs at P.S. 1. Ball-Nogues re-introduces it this year—but not in the standing pools or misters of years past. While the name Liquid Sky partly refers to the membrane's tessellated structure, it becomes quite literal in a second, smaller courtyard, where they plan to dump water from large tip-buckets perched atop 「drench poles.」

What will be undeniably carnivalesque is still the outcome of sophisticated material and fabrication research. Executed in collaboration with engineer Paul Endres, of Endres Ware Architects/Engineers, it combines cutting-edge digital design with traditional approaches borrowed from the sailboat industry.

Barry Bergdoll, the Modern's chief curator of architecture and a member of the competition selection committee, praises the installation as an 「encounter between research and playfulness done in a fun and savant way.」 Citing the merits of its fabrication and formal research, he calls the project a 「funscape that will animate everything going on during the summer at P.S. 1.」

::Liquid Sky Blog::
::Ball-Nogues Studio::

::Benjamin Ball & Gaston Nogues - Maximilian's Schell::

::Benjamin Ball & Gaston Nogues - Maximilian's Schell::
::P.S.1 - 2008 YAP 由 WORKac 以種田取勝::
::Obra Architects 贏得2006年 MoMA P.S.1 YAP 競圖::
::Xefirotarch 以 Sur Project 贏得2005年 MoMA P.S.1 YAP 競圖::
::MoMA PS1 Young Architecs Program 2004年獲勝者- nArchitects::


