Venice Biennale 2004 威尼斯建築雙年展


Venice Biennale 2004 威尼斯建築雙年展

文章 站長eaGer »


The 9th Intl. Architecture Exhibition - Metamorph, directed by Metamorph, will take place Sept. 12 to Nov. 7, 2004.

由 Kurt W. Forster 主導的第九屆威尼斯建築雙年展主題為 Metamorph,即將在2004年9月12日開幕展期至11月7日,會有來自170家事務所+工作室超過兩百件的作品參展,以下是參展的諸家建築設計師:

Mobius House by UNstudio (以下圖檔按下可放大)

With its low-slung, elongated outlines the private house forms a link between the different features of the surroundings; the spatial loop enables the house to take in the extreme aspects of the landscape. By being stretched to the maximum, rather than displaying a compact or tall shape, the house conveys from the interior the idea of a walk in the countrysite.


The diagram for the Möbius house consists of two interlocking lines. The double-locked torus integrates programme, circulation and structure seamlessly. As the diagram unfolds, the interlocking lines come to stand for the two main materials used for the house, glass and concrete, which move in front of each other and switch places. So, while the Möbius diagram introduces aspects of duration and trajectory, the diagram is worked into the building in a mutated way.


One day 1:1 by Ben van Berkel

Why should architecture always be exhibited in miniature? Do we really believe that shrinking our designs makes them more easily digestible? Are we worried that you won't 『get' the building when its dimensions are real? Do we hope that by thoughtfully scaling it down so that you can look down on it and wander around it in six easy steps you will like it better, knowing exactly where the entrance will be and where wall will hit wall?
But who wants their architecture clarified in this way? You didn't ask for that, did you? Let's put it this way: would you be interested in seeing a display by Damien Hirst explicating in great detail his next project, or would you rather just see the artwork itself?

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This time, our motto is 「let's not explain, let's not represent」.
Architecture is most entertaining 1: 1, when it is at your scale, the scale of the person it was made for…This time, we are taking gamble. We want you to believe in our building, the future Mercedes Benz Museum in Stuttgart, complete with its unique geometry, its endless plan, and the time machine that is its museological principle. But most of all we want to show you what it will feel like, not explain to you where the entrance will be, where floor will hit wall. What we really want to do is take you there, with us, to the building site where it does exist quite yet, but will… one day.

最後由 站長eaGer 於 2004-08-27, 21:26 編輯,總共編輯了 4 次。

PLOT 建築師事務所 - Concert House in Stavanger

文章 站長eaGer »

Concert House in Stavanger by PLOT (以下圖檔按下可放大)

來自丹麥的PLOT 建築師事務所是間非常年輕的事務所,主持人 Bjarke Ingels (1975年12月3日出生)與 Julien De Smedt (1974年10月2日出生)是在荷蘭鹿特丹 Office for Metropolitan Architecture(OMA / Rem Koolhaas) 工作時才結識,於2001年開展了他們的事業後,很快地就變成丹麥建築界的當紅炸子雞,目前PLOT 事務所已經有兩件完工的作品以及四個正在進行中的案子,今年秋天 PLOT 還獲選代表丹麥前往威尼斯參加第九屆建築雙年展。

In a time where the importance of the nation state is being challenged by the united Europe of regions, the demands on the regional capitals to become catalysts of growth and development are increasing.

In the interregional rivalry to attract well-educated and highly qualified manpower, the Bilbao-effect has become a new weapon in the arms race for global media attention.


The new concert house plays a fundamental role in the long-term strategy for positioning Stavanger as an economical and cultural node in Europe.
Rather than considering the new concert house as an isolated architectural object along the approach to Stavanger's harbour front, we have chosen to mobilise the architecture to intensify the relationship between the concert house and the city around it.


We have tried to develop the concert house as an extension and enhancement of the movements and activities that already flow through the site.
The concert house will be the music park's extension to the water, the destination of the blue promenade and the Bjergsted's smooth transformation from the top of the rock to the edge of the water.

最後由 站長eaGer 於 2004-08-27, 21:26 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。

文章 站長eaGer »

Greenwich St. project by archi-tectonics (以下圖檔按下可放大)

Located on the lower west end of Manhattan, a former six-storey warehouse building will be renovated with an additional four-story penthouse on top. Adjacent to the old brick-faced building, a new residential building of 11 stories will be erected. The once dilapidated urban condition of abandoned warehouses will be reinvigorated with the insertion of galleries, restaurants and modern living. The integration of the old brick building and the new steel and glass structure adjacent to it, will mediate a play between the past and the present.

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The horizontal plane of the traditional urban fabric is questioned by the insertion of a diagonal surface that bifurcates the fa&ccedil;ade plane. It integrates the strict buiding setback codes into a new folded vertical landscape. The crease as a system of inflections allows for slippage between interior urbanism and urban privacy.

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The setback intervals allow for terraces with views towards the Hudson River. This roof top landscape allows the outside in with its large reflecting glass windows in a mediated transition. The new building's angled fa&ccedil;ade with reflecting glass planes integrate urban and private environments.

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最後由 站長eaGer 於 2004-08-27, 21:27 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

文章 站長eaGer »

ARCAM by Rene van Zuuk

Located on Amsterdam's waterfront, this building houses the exhibition and office space of the ARCAM, the Amsterdam Center for Architecture. Its zinc-coated aluminum skin is tautly wrapped around a steel frame. Construction is complete and the building is open to the public.



最後由 站長eaGer 於 2004-08-27, 21:27 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

文章 站長eaGer »

Musee des Confluences by Coop Himmelb(l)au

Crystal Cloud of Knowledge

The future society will be a society of knowledge. However this knowledge can hardly be split into clearly defined fields.
Innovations develop within interspaces, within indistinctness, within the overlapping and hybridising. Questions regarding the future will be decided within transitional fields situated between technology, biology and ethics that are the central themes of the Mus&eacute;e des Confluences. The resulting architecture is characterised by the interactions, the fusion and mutation of different entities constituting a new shape. Stimulating a direct and active use, it is not only a museum site but also a venue in town. The architecture hybridises the typology of a museum with the typology of an urban leisure space.

最後由 站長eaGer 於 2004-08-27, 21:27 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

文章 站長eaGer »

Cero 9 (按下圖片可放大)

The Magic Mountain Competition.

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文章 站長eaGer »

Lexington Plaza International Design Competition by xefirotarchby xefirotarch

The Park can be read as three movements, and these programmatic elements interact in different levels, are not defined by the limits of the three movements, are defined by the complexity of contemporary living, they are layers that blur the relation between living and working.


This 『urban carpet' mediates between the city, the lobbies and the justice buildings 『floating above'. The topographical and vertical spaces vary in geometry and scale to accommodate a diversity of ways of life. The effect is to produce a three-dimensional matrix reconfiguration of solids and voids allowing for flexible arrangements within which the narrative of the city can unfold. The volumes are dynamic and float tentatively over the public square defying gravity.


The Park mediates between the private sphere and the city offering a multitude of interiors events, dictated by the dynamism of the urban fabric. The Park cites the power of perspective, of seeing not just looking. This is what we call a standard, what we call translation, what we call architecture.
The park positions itself on the pedestrian level of the city as a fluid continuum of existing public paths and places. The light spaces, opened to the city, seem like a 『public square', drawing in pedestrian movement through the creation of a simultaneously horizontal and vertical composition.


Multi-Purpose Arena Park, Korea by xefirotarch

The project is located in the middle of Pusan Bay, given shape to a series of flows as envisioned by the master plan. At the same time, the project relies on strong autonomy defined by the autonomy of form as a system. It creates a new continuity through space by exploring the possibilities of the interior as a new dynamic field that can be occupied as a network of parts. This proposal offers incremental transformations of units rather than an object: a 『world' to dive into rather than a building as a singular object.


The concert hall is organized and navigated on the basis of directional vectors, and the distribution of densities rather than nodes. This is indicative of the character of the concert hall: porous, immense, a field space. Stairs, elevators and ramp elements are points of confluence, interference and turbulence. The move from object to field is critical in understanding the relationship the architecture will have to the content of the artwork/music it will house.


This is to be a multi-purpose arena for recreational and cultural activities. As the 『jewel in the crown', the building/landscape/island occupies the centre of the bay, taking in 360&ordm; views of the waterfront area. The main auditorium seats 6,000, yet the flattened hierarchy achieved prevents this enormous number from being immediately apparent. In the end, the performance of the architecture as a multi-purpose arena is not hampered but improved upon and intensified.

最後由 站長eaGer 於 2004-08-27, 21:27 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

文章 站長eaGer »

Publicis Drugstore by Michele Saee (點小圖看大圖)

The building is an assembly of sculptural forms fluctuating around a more structured, solid central body. In compositional terms, the building is distant from the idea of the explosion which underlies the architecture of Saee’s masters, but rather returns to the lightweight elegance of fabrics, with their sinuous folds dressing a composite body in motion. The form of the building does not seem to be the result of assembly of a series of separate fragments but rather a single body in which each element is a surprise.-Michele Saee’s fluid spaces from

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最後由 站長eaGer 於 2004-08-27, 21:28 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

文章 karl »

或許可以一起在Piazza San Marco 喝杯義式咖啡!! ;)

文章 站長eaGer »

Foreign Office Architecture(FOA) 展出:(按下小圖可放大)

The Novartis' Campus Main Gate, Park and Parking Facilities by Foreign Office Architecture

Novartis is a company dedicated to life sciences, to the investigation and manipulation of nature. Our proposal for the Novartis Campus Main Gate and Traffic Interface arises from a reflection on the current status of biotechnology in the context of contemporary culture as an increasingly important domain of knowledge between the Natural and the Artificial. In this proposal we have attempted to produce an assemblage between the two components of the project –the park and the parking- as a speculation on how the artificial and natural processes may be able to generate new forms of mutual enhancement.
More than ever before, the natural and the artificial are literally merging into each other. GM food, animal cloning, organic prosthetics, biological computers, the human genome… are the indexes of an era when the distinction between nature and artifice have become obsolete both to describe and to produce the environment of the 21st Century.


The Novartis' Campus Main Gate, Park and Parking Facilities by FOA

Novartis is an organisation that thrives on these developments, and the Southern Interface to the Campus is an ideal occasion to explore, exploit and capture the potential of these emerging artificial ecologies in the design of the company's future environment, and its representation.
Rather than simply placing a picturesque park on top of a conventional car-park, our ambition is to produce a new composite, what we call Thick Park, where features of each organisation are used to enhance the other organisation.
The intention is to establish a continuity of landscapes between the Novartis Garden and the public green spaces that will surround it in the future.


The Novartis' Campus Main Gate, Park and Parking Facilities by FOA

The resulting structure is an alveolar structure occurring simultaneously in plan and section, and regulated fundamentally by the geometric characteristic of a parking structure: bands deflecting in plan to allow for the penetration of the park into the structure, but also deflecting in section 1,5m up or down in order to produce continuity between the park and the two levels of the slab. The space of the thick park is like a three-dimensional honeycomb.
Rather than a decorating the complex with a picturesque image of nature, like in most corporate parks our proposal is to recover here a medieval tradition linked to the University rather than to a corporate headquarters. The Novartis Campus Medical Garden will not only provide the opportunities for relaxation and embellishment of the Campus, but it will represent Novartis commitment towards pharmacological research, and hopefully become a source of knowledge.

最後由 站長eaGer 於 2004-08-27, 21:28 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

文章 站長eaGer »

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts by diller scofidio + renfro

Once derided as an urbanistic mistake, an 「Acropolis for the cultural elite,」 and the embodiment of 「Monumental Modernism,」 a term normally applied to fascist architecture, Lincoln Center has become a valued icon inextricably linked with New York City. Rather than transforming the identity of Lincoln Center, our aim is to make Lincoln Center more Lincoln Center than Lincoln Center, that is, to amplify its most successful attributes while teasing out its unrealized potential. The architectural challenge is to interpret the genetic code of the architecture into a language that can speak to a diverse audience after several generations of cultural and political change. The project will turn the campus inside-out by extending the spectacle within the performance halls into the mute public spaces between the halls and further into the surrounding streets.
Projected completion date: 2008
