2011 美國南加大AAU – 逢甲大學建築系 – 淡江大學建築系 國際學術交流工作坊 2011.10.01~10.06

文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

2011 美國南加大AAU – 逢甲大學建築系 – 淡江大學建築系 國際學術交流工作坊 2011.10.01~10.06

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USC 美國南加大AAU
FCU 逢甲大學建築系
TKU 淡江大學建築系


都會化(metropolization)是一種遍及全球但具洲際差異的現象,可被定義為在最重要的都市群(urban agglomeration)1中追求人力與物質資源的集中;主要起源於全球化與世界性勞動分工的深化,使得有能力提供大型與多元化勞動市場、頂級水準公共服務系統、大量設施與基礎建設以及良好國際聯繫的都市群變得不僅必要,而且更具競爭力。





1: 都市群(urban agglomeration)是由一個或數個中心都市與其鄰近郊區或鄉鎮人口,或因同具都市密度水準,或因彼此功能相關,緊密結合成一個都市集合體,不考慮行政管轄區界限,通常為一城市或市鎮人口加上毗鄰的郊區人口。
2.AAU 是USC南加大的海外課程 Asia Architecture and Urbanism 簡稱,請看USC 網頁連結

2011 USC AAU + FCU+TKU International Workshop

Between City and Metropolis:
Rupture or Continuity?

The metropolization, a phenomenon worldwide but distinct according to different continents, can be defined as the pursuit of the concentration of human and material resources in the most important urban agglomerations. It results mainly from the globalization and the deepening of division of labor on a worldwide scale, which makes necessary and more competitive the urban agglomerations capable of offering large and diversified labor markets, extremely high-level services, a large number of equipments and infrastructures as well as good international linkages.

The metropolization, like the globalization, induces a double process of homogenization and differentiation: homogenization, because the same economic actors or the same type of economic actors are present with the same logic in all countries and in all cities; differentiation, because the interurban competition expands and intensifies, accentuating the importance of differences. It is this double dynamics of homogenization and differentiation that constitutes the development policy framework and opens a space for debate, transaction and partnership between mobile economic actors and local actors.

The location of power in the modern metropolis has increasingly shifted from concentrated and visible manifestations of state power to a more diffuse set of networks dominated by capital. Intensified cycles of investment and disinvestment in the modern metropolis have altered urban landscapes as new urban forms have emerged. The modern metropolis has seen a different kind of articulation between architecture, urban design and public policy discourse.

Processes of urban transformation and transition in the case of city such as Taichung have been subject to rapid perturbations in growth and investment patterns in response to factors such as political instability and the vicissitudes of state finances. New challenges such as enhanced mobility, ecology and culture change necessitate a fundamental shift in established understandings of the dynamics of metropolization. The urban experience must be explored within the context of far-reaching political and economic change that binds places and spaces together in new and often unexpected ways.

The removal of the former Taichung Airport not only means the releasing of urban space and the opportunity of land redevelopment, it especially implicates the transforming of city characters, the fulfilling of city visions and the upholding of citizen honor as well. The scale and complexity of such development necessitate the development of innovative and interdisciplinary modes of analysis that can address critical challenges and influence debates both within and outside the academy. It is through reexamining the proposed project of Taichung Gateway Park City in Shuinan area in this workshop that we can accumulate and mobilize the experience, knowledge and technique, not for applying the repetitive solutions, but for augmenting their potentialities for adaptation to this particular, changeable and uncertain context.


Arrival at the airport
Workshop opening / URS21
Group discussion

Dalondon District: Dihua street(大龍洞:迪化街)
Wanhua District(萬華區)
Group discussion

GongKun District(公館區)
Xinyi District(信義計畫區)
Group discussion

Arrival at Taichung
Speech: Region conformity of Taichung County / InfoBox
Site visit: Taichung Gateway Park City Development in Shuinan(水湳經貿園區)
New City Hall, New Parliament Hall and Seventh Redevelopment Zone(新市政府、市議會、及七期重劃區)
FengChia Night Market, Group discussion / FCU

Old Civic Center and Old Downtown(舊市區)
Taichung County: Dali, Wufeng, and 921 Earthquake museum(大台中: 屯區代表大里及霧峰鄉,921地震博物館)
Taichung County: Mountains and Coastal areas(大台中: 山區代表東勢及濱海區代表梧棲)
Group discussion / FCU

Production / FCU
Final critic / FCU
Farewell Party / FCU