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MoMA PS1 - 2005 YAP 獲勝者 - Xefirotarch 事務所之 Sur Project

發表於 : 2005-07-16, 11:21
每年在紐約的 P.S. 1 當代藝術中心跟 MOMA 都會為 Young Architects 舉辦一個競圖,競圖獲勝者都能夠將他們的設計案實現蓋出來,2005年的獲勝者是來自美國西部 LA 的 Xefirotarch 事務所 的 Hernan Diaz Alonso,Xefirotarch 這幾年挺紅,之前還獲邀參加威尼斯建築雙年展。

不過這個設計案跟英國倫敦的那個 Serpetine Gallery Pavilion 一樣,都是會在短時間之內拆掉,在完成後的週六夜晚通常會有個 PARTY,請來 DJ 放音樂,一堆人在結構物之間坐著、躺著、喝啤酒,大家一起 HAPPY,之後就比較沒人會使用,有點像是蓋爽的吧!

在如此高度仿生性的設計裡頭,結構工程師的介入是不可缺少的,因此 Hernan Diaz Alonso 也是跟結構界首屈一指的 Arup 合作,採用 Arup 的結構計算,材料使用混凝土基座加上鋁製管作為支撐,彈性布料以拉鍊做連結之用。

幾個禮拜前請以奇幫忙翻譯這個設計案的內容,不過以奇似乎很忙,之後就沒回音了,所以請大家自己看看NYTimes 上頭的原文報導吧,練練英文也不錯,如果有人自告奮勇願意翻譯出來造福大家,我會很感激的!

http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/14/arts/ ... 4cour.html

P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center 算是 MOMA 在 Queens 區的分館,平常看到都是以 P.S.1/MoMA 的型態出現。





發表於 : 2005-07-16, 12:23
binbin wang
Xefirotarch @ P.S. 1

Good job, eaGer!

For whoever who wants to know how exactly did Hernan Diaz Alonso come out with the "shape" and build it, see this link:

http://www.archinect.com/forum/threads. ... 0_42_150_C

Please be patient with the link for, first of all, it is an English site, and secondly, you have to read through a lot of gossip: who did what to "actualize" the project, and who is doing nothing but yakking....

By the way, I was at the "bad," or "low-brow," party of 7-2-05 where everybody got drunk and vandalized "unintentionally" the "masterpiece"! Apparently P.S.1 gives several parties to celebrate Summer and the annual "installation". The earlier party (6-30-2005) are for the "powerful," like the Godfather Eisenman who had to leave for Berlin the next (7-1-2005) morning. Evidence 1: damaged Polyurethane-over-Styrofoam "landscaped" seating area which nobody actually sat on.
