
文章: 20624
註冊時間: 2005-06-01, 11:31
來自: 準建築人手札網站 Forgemind ArchiMedia


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2016/10/25 — 11:12
作者:Charles Lai 黎雋維
FB Page: https://goo.gl/xs4N0D
aona architects: https://goo.gl/drmB1l

近日,世界衞生組織亦公布最新指引,指出無法有效地生殖的人仕,包括生理原因或因無法找到一個性伴侶,應被視為殘障,每個人要公平地得到繁衍後代的權利 [1]。換句話說,一個城市缺乏性空間,應該被視為對公共衛生及健康的威脅。


性空間的問題,西方建築師早就意識得到。現代主義建築的殿堂,「形隨功能」(form follow function)的發源地 – 包浩斯(Bauhaus)學院 – 的第二仼院長,瑞士建築師漢斯·邁耶(Hannes Meyer)認為,性生活並非奢侈的享受,而是基本。一所房屋的功能,除了睡覺、衛生、煮食等空間,性生活亦同樣是生活的基本。衣食住行之外,性亦是生活不可或缺的一環。現代主義建築要好好回應這些基本生活要求,空間要盛載好包括性生活在內的各個環節,才算得上健康、麾登、進步的現代生活。

既然性生活是人類的生活基本,一所公共的,特別設計給公眾進行性愛的建築,又該如何設計呢?如果讀者覺得我想法前衛,那麼你就一定沒有看過以下由18世紀法國建築師,勒杜(Claude-Nicolas Ledoux)所設計的一座「㞗型建築」。勒杜本來為皇室建築師,於1775-1778年間他設計了於法國東部 Chaux森林的皇家鹽場。在法國大革命爆發之後,勒杜失去了工作。他深受盧梭的平等社會主張影響,於是利用了失業的時間構想他心中的烏托邦。社區中的建築物和它的功能是有直接的關係的。例如 「House of Peace」,就是調解糾紛的場所。各個建築均有着自身的公共性和社會角色。有歷史學家認為,勒杜這些前衞的建築方法和理念,令他成為了後來20世紀現代主義建築的先導者。
當中有一個非常奇特的建築,圖則外形酷似男性生殖器官。它名為 「House of Pleasure」,是供年輕男女透過實際性愛體驗而接受性教育的場地。平面圖直長的部分排列着一個個房間供人使用。房間當然沒有窗戶,只有一個相信是天窗的開口。

這所公共的性愛場所,有其社會作用。年輕人能夠好好的釋放情慾,社會就能夠重新建構秩序。建築物雖然充滿情慾,但外表卻如聖殿一樣冷靜。性愛透過建築,隱蔽於公共之中。勒杜的「House of Pleasure」雖然被設計成一個生殖器官的形狀,在地上的視點,一般人只會覺得它是一座普通的建築物。只有小數人能夠了解到建築物有着禁忌的平面形狀。

勒杜的「House of Pleasure」,以建築解決年青人的性空間問題,發揮了穩定社會的功能。200多年前的設計,看來在今日的香港十分適用。不修飾,不造作,踏踏實實的「做實事」,正是這種公共的性愛場所。人人有野扑,心情自然舒暢得多。當然,你首先要有一個伴侶。


R. Donald Jaye's The Playboy Townhouse,
published in the May 1962 issue (rendering by Humen Tam)

Playboy Progress' Map From Playboy, May 1954 Issue
1.Playboy enters with friend after an evening at theatre.
2.Playboy removes friend's wrap—confidently assures self she didn't come to his apartment to eat.
3.Friend asks about food.
4.Playboy puts romantic Glenn Miller records on phonograph—selects only LPs.
5.Friend wanders off towards kitchen.
6.Playboy mixes cocktails with spiked olives.
7.Friend returns munching chicken leg, accepts cocktail and downs it single swallow, olive and all.
8.Playboy pours another round, begins aloud from This Is My Beloved.
9.Playboy pours a drink; passionate embrace on couch.
10.Playboy reads selected passages aloud from Kinsey Report: 「50% of females indulge in premarital intercourse,」 「females who have relations make better adjustments after marriage」: pours another round.
11.Passionate embrace in corner.
12.Passionate embrace on balcony.
13.Friend is still hungry: passionate embrace in kitchen.
14.Playboy excuses self in order to change into something more comfortable—puts on lounging robe—checks to make sure he's wearing clean underwear.
15.Playboy mixes more drinks—puts two spiked olives in friend's. Passionate embrace near phonograph.
16.Friend excuses herself to go to john: refuses passionate embrace there.
17.Playboy pours another round, friend is still hungry—staggers into kitchen.
18.Another passionate embrace on balcony. Playboy suggests they adjourn to bedroom. Friend slaps playboy's face, says she's not that kind of girl.
19.Playboy considers tossing her off the balcony. Decides against it—returns to living room in search of address book and suitable after-midnight phone number.
20.Friend returns to living room with comment that it has started to rain. Picks up Kinsey Report; wants to know where it says about the 50% of females.
21.Playboy wisely decides to play it cool—ignores question, makes vague observation about the day's stock market instead.
22.Friend wants to know where it says that about females making a better adjustment after marriages.
23.Playboy feigns disinterest, remarks that the Yankees had an excellent afternoon, wanders off to the general direction of the bedroom.
24.Few moments indecision as friend considers returning to kitchen for more food—follows playboy instead.
25.Playboy tosses address book into corner. Curtain.

House of the Century, 1972
Designed by Ant farm

House of the Century, 1972 <br />Designed by Ant farm
House of the Century, 1972
Designed by Ant farm