十組世界頂尖建築師提出大巴黎計畫 Grand Paris

文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

十組世界頂尖建築師提出大巴黎計畫 Grand Paris

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法國第二帝國時期的執政者拿破崙三世曾任命 Georges Haussmann 進行巴黎的改造計畫,造就了一個偉大的城市;時間的巨輪來到廿一世紀,法國總統 Nicolas Sarkozy 邀請十組建築師針對法國首都巴黎未來二十年的發展提出都市計畫,也就是法國官方所謂的「大巴黎計畫 | Grand Paris | Le Grand Pari」,把巴黎建成最具可持續性特色的大都會,令其成為一個「綠色大巴黎」。

大巴黎計畫 | Grand Paris | Le Grand Pari」的初步構思已於2009年3月12日公佈,據稱這將是有史以來最複雜的城市發展計劃之一,受邀建築師或建築團隊包括 Jean Nouvel、Christophe de Portzamparc、Roland Castro、Bernardo Secchi、Paola Vigano、Richard Rogers、MVRDV、Antoine Grumbach、Lin Finn Geipel 、AUC(Djamel Klouche)、Studio O9、Groupe Descartes (Yves Lion)等。

很多人原以為,薩爾科齊會效仿以前的總統們,建造一兩座地標建築物,例如密特朗總統請貝聿銘(I. M. Pei)所設計的羅浮宮金字塔、龐碧度的龐畢度中心 Pompidou Centre (Renzo Piano 和 Richard Rogers 所設計)和希拉克請 Jean Nouvel 設計的凱布朗利博物館(Musee de Quai Branly)


↗ 建築師 Christophe de Portzamparc 對於巴黎未來的的想像


↗ 建築師 Christophe de Portzamparc 對於巴黎未來的的想像

龐碧度中心共同設計者、英國建築師 Richard Rogers 也是應邀提交計劃的建築師之一,他說:「我未見過任何一個大城市像巴黎這樣,心臟與四肢分隔如此嚴重。」

Richard Rogers 和其它建築師在於2009年3月12日僅獲三十五分鐘時間,去向一個專家小組解釋他們心目中的「2030年大巴黎」計劃。建築師們將於下周參與一場辯論,並展出他們的計劃,展覽將于于2009年4月29日開幕。

↗ 建築師 Roland Castro 所提出的計畫,將巴黎變成超大的綠都市 | A computer image of a project for a bigger and greener Paris, in La Courneuve, by French architect Roland Castro

Roland Castro 的核心理念是「向詩歌般的巴黎傾注美麗」,經過半年多的工作,Roland Castro 認為巴黎的郊區擁擠髒亂,必須想方設法讓這些地方展現美感。他除了提出要在巴黎市中心建造一組外形猶如八片花瓣的新文化地標式建築和政府各部門進行搬遷外,還建議在巴黎郊區分別打造類似紐約中央公園的大規模綠地、倣傚華盛頓開放式公園的綠色商業區以及一座大型歌劇院。

↗ 建築師 Roland Castro 的構想

Christophe de Portzamparc 的核心理念是「協調經濟增長與舒適環境的矛盾」。他認為巴黎郊外的多座城市構成了「群島」,應該選擇其中四「島」當成「發展商業的綠芽」來帶動整個郊區的經濟並改善環境。他還建議打造一條高速輕軌在被視作分隔巴黎市和郊區的環線交通上運行,並在巴黎北部的奧貝維利埃建造一個大型的火車站。

Jean Nouvel 則提出要善於利用巴黎周邊豐富的農業土地資源,以抵禦城市的擴張。他還呼籲巴黎市政府應該大力發展有軌電車、公交車和火車等公共交通來改善城市和郊區的來往,並指出應該特別注意塞納河水路運輸的作用。

英國建築師 Richard Rogers 的重點則落在了「和諧」上,強調保護自然環境和城市的歷史文化價值同樣重要,應該避免過度發展。他提議在巴黎的公寓樓頂建造花園,並在市內大量修建或改造供自行車和行人利用的綠化帶。Richard Rogers 的建議還涉及到巴黎目前的行政區劃問題。

Antoine Grumbach 的想法是,大巴黎不應「止步」於郊區,而應延伸到更廣闊的範圍。他建議通過修建高速鐵路和充分發揮塞納河的作用讓巴黎的範圍擴大到港口城市勒阿弗爾和魯昂。

法國建築師 Yves Lion(Groupe Descartes)則希望通過藝術級的森林和水資源管理來應對全球變暖,使巴黎的平均溫度在2100年降低2攝氏度。


Grand Paris: Architects reveal plans to transform French capital

Ten of the world's leading architects on Thursday detailed their plans to dramatically transform the French capital into a Grand Paris, in what has been described as the most complex city project ever.

By Henry Samuel in Paris
Last Updated: 8:09AM GMT 13 Mar 2009

Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, asked the architects, including Britain's Richard Rogers, to project 20 years into the future and dream up the world's most sustainable post-Kyoto metropolis.

Among the more outlandish plans is Antoine Grumbach's proposal to extend the city all the way to the Channel port of Le Havre via Rouen along the Seine, maximising the green possibilities of the river. The idea was already mooted by Napoleon Bonaparte, who said: "Paris-Rouen-Le Havre: one single city with the Seine as its main road."

Christophe de Portzamparc, the prize-winning French architect, has proposed building four economic "buds" in an "archipelago" around the capital and transferring a huge European train station to Aubervilliers, north of Paris, modelled on London's St Pancras.

Roland Castro, the prominent 1968 Leftist who suggested moving the Elysée Palace to the tough northeastern suburbs, has proposed injecting "beauty" into a "Grand Paris of poets", which would include new cultural landmarks in a capital shaped like a huge eight-petal flower and with a New York-style Central Park on the grim housing project of La Courneuve.

The Italian architects Bernardo Secchi and Paola Vigano have proposed enlarging the city and laying it out as a "porous sponge", where waterways are given pride of place.

Yves Liot would like to create 20 "sustainable towns" of 500,000 within the Paris area. He would also double the number of forests and bring fields to Paris' outskirts so the urban dwellers could cultivate their own fruit and vegetables.

Many thought that Mr Sarkozy would follow his predecessors' lead and bequeath one or two magnificent monuments, such as François Mitterrand's Louvre pyramid, Georges Pompidou's Centre or Jacques Chirac's Quai Branly museum.

However, the president has set his sights much higher, asking the architects to re-imagine the entire city and its surroundings with concrete proposals but "the absolute freedom to dream".

One crucial aim is to end the isolation of central Paris, with its two million inhabitants, which is currently cut off from the six million living in suburbs just outside its ring road, known as "le périphérique".

As Rogers, the London-based co-designer of the Pompidou centre, observed: "I know no other big city where the heart is so detached from its arms and legs".

His team, working with the London School of Economics and French sociologists, has proposed uniting cut-off communities, notably by covering up railway lines that dissect the city and placing huge green spaces and networks above them. One such green line would stretch all the way from central Paris to the run-down southeastern outskirts, mirroring the line from the Louvre to La Defense to the west of the city. Paris would be stuffed with renewable technologies and re-thought to reduce city dweller's travelling time to no more than 30 minutes per day.

His project aims to end the "monoculture" of Paris' suburbs by overhauling high-immigrant enclaves like Clichy-sous-Bois, where urban riots erupted in 2005. Office and living space would be mixed with rich and poor and high-speed train lines extended.

Mr Rogers and the other architects were given just 35 minutes on Thursday to explain their strategies for Grand Paris 2030 to a panel of experts.

Before these grand plans can progress, the capital will have to resolve complex political wrangling over its administrative boundaries and the effects on different players' power bases. Bertrand Delanoë, Paris' Socialist mayor, among others, is watching closely.

The architects will present their projects to the public and take part in a debate next week, and an exhibition of their plans opens on April 29.
文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

Re: 十組世界頂尖建築師提出大巴黎計畫 Grand Paris

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大巴黎將整容 建高樓高鐵
2009.05.01 03:27 am

19 世紀中葉,拿破崙三世改變了法國巴黎的市容;29日,法國總統沙克吉也宣布了一項350億歐元(台幣1兆5329億元)的「大巴黎」計畫,除了要把巴黎都會區的範圍擴展到英吉利海峽的港口,讓市中心與郊區的連結更加緊密外,還可能種植100萬棵樹,讓巴黎成為世上最符合永續發展要求的大都會。





法國建築師安東尼‧龔巴克(Antoine Grumbach)甚至指出,大巴黎的幅員不應止於郊區,而應延伸到更廣闊的範圍。他建議通過修建高速鐵路和充分發揮塞納河的運輸功能,讓巴黎的範圍擴大到港口城市勒阿弗爾和魯昂。

沙克吉對於荷蘭建築師馬斯(Winy Maas)的植樹計畫也很感興趣。根據馬斯的提案,可以在戴高樂機場周遭的航道地面種植100萬棵樹,以吸收飛機的噪音和綠化環境。沙克吉說,100萬棵樹相當於增加巴黎森林面積的30%,當熱浪來襲時,可使晚間氣溫降低攝氏1到2度。


【2009/05/01 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/
文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

紐約時報記者 NICOLAI OUROUSSOFF 談大巴黎計畫 - Remaking Paris

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Remaking Paris
Published: June 8, 2009

Until he took office, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France never seemed destined to be a patron of architecture. In the weeks leading up to his election, more than a few architects I spoke with in Paris disparaged him as 「the American,」 a reference to his supposed lowbrow cultural tastes. But the French presidency has a way of infecting its occupant with visions of architectural grandeur. Georges Pompidou is better remembered today for the elaborate populist structure that bears his name than for his Gaullist policies. François Mitterrand created nearly a dozen new monuments in Paris, including I. M. Pei's glass pyramid at the Louvre, a gigantic new national library and the Bastille Opera House. And now Sarkozy seems determined to outdo even Mitterrand.

One of the first things Sarkozy did after he moved into the Elysée Palace was to convene a meeting of prominent architects and ask them to come up with a new blueprint for Paris. 「Of course,」 he said, 「projects should be realistic, but for me true realism is the kind that consists in being very ambitious.」 His job was to clean up the city's working-class suburbs, and at the same time build a greener Paris, the first city to conform to the environmental goals laid out in the Kyoto treaty.

The results, a year later, may be the beginning of one of the boldest urban planning operations in French history. A formidable list of architects — including Richard Rogers, Jean Nouvel, Djamel Klouche and Roland Castro — put forward proposals that address a range of urban problems: from housing the poor to fixing outdated transportation systems to renewing the immigrant suburbs. Some have suggested practical solutions — new train stations and parks — while others have been more provocative, like Castro, who proposed moving the presidential palace to the outskirts.

The architects will continue to refine their ideas over the next year, so it is unclear what form the final plan will take. And Sarkozy has yet to say how he would pay for such an ambitious undertaking. Whatever their chance of being realized, however, these proposals force us to rethink what it means for Paris to be Paris, and how to fix our faltering cities. At a time when 「infrastructure」 has become a catchword of politicians around the world, these plans offer a glimpse of what a sustainable, more egalitarian city might look like and the role government might play in shaping one.

「I think we've all begun to realize the importance of cities again,」 Richard Rogers told me. 「You see it in Bogotá, in New York — this new interest in the compact, sustainable city. But Sarkozy deserves some credit for this. I've never heard a politician speak so passionately about the importance of a city. He understands that the physical environment can be used to change behavior. And I think the architects responded.」

Late one afternoon in February, the architect Christian de Portzamparc took me to the roof of La Tour Pleyel, a 40-story office tower in a derelict neighborhood just north of the Périphérique, the circular highway that separates Paris from the outlying districts. It was a clear day. Portzamparc pointed out the grim housing projects in La Courneuve, which erupted in rioting four years ago and have since been partly demolished. Sarkozy, then interior minister, spoke of these projects as a place 「where gangrene has set in.」

What struck me most about the view from La Tour Pleyel was the sense of isolation. The road to the airport looked like a scar, dividing the anonymous housing blocks on one side from the green parkland on the other. To the south, industrial wastelands bordered on a dense knot of rust-colored tracks that fed into the Gare du Nord. Another set of tracks, to the Gare de l'Est, cut through an industrial landscape of decrepit sheds and vacant lots. Even the Seine, from here, looked like an open wound. Framed by these brutal incisions, the city seemed like a series of dying, isolated pockets.

La Tour Pleyel lies in one such pocket. When it was built in the early 1970s, developers saw it as a potential rival to La Défense, which was then a booming business district northwest of the city, just past the Place de l'Étoile. Plans called for four towers around a commercial center, but with the economic downturn during that decade, the project stalled. Only one tower was ever built. Instead of sparking new development in the area, it remained surrounded by empty warehouses — another failed, stillborn fantasy.

「Most of these new developments were artificially created,」 Portzamparc explained as we looked out over the city. 「They were built in areas with the most potato fields, where there was nothing. These developers were not interested in nurturing what was there.」

When Portzamparc and I descended to the lobby, a line had formed in front of the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales, a government benefits office. The people, who were there to pick up unemployment checks, represented a cross-section of working-class French society. An Arab man, a North African woman holding a baby, a young couple, an old Frenchman — all waited their turns in line. No one made a sound. The rest of the lobby was empty.

Portzamparc sees such neglected areas as ripe for reinvestment, if they can be linked to a good transportation network. To facilitate circulation among the anonymous zones that encircle the city, he proposes building an elevated high-speed train line along the Périphérique's median. To give an identity to northeast Paris, one of the city's poorest areas, and to reassert the city's prominence as an international business center, nonlocal trains would no longer come into Paris via the Gare du Nord and the Gare de l'Est would be closed; instead they would enter the city through a station northeast of the historic center, closer to Charles de Gaulle airport — the Gare Nord Europe.

Paris's current problems as a city can be traced to the very thing that makes it most delightful — its beauty. When Baron Haussmann, working under Napoleon III, carved grand boulevards through the medieval quarters, he gave the city its Cartesian order, filling them with light and air. Haussmann's vision for Paris ranks as one of the greatest — and most influential — urban achievements of the 19th century. Its traces can be found in cities as disparate as Buenos Aires, Bucharest and Chicago. Even Robert Moses may be viewed as an extension of Haussmann-as-urban-planner, not least because Haussmann's work was also a radical means of social engineering. The enormous width of Haussmann's boulevards had as much to do with moving troops through the city as with aesthetics, part of an effort to control the masses after the revolution of 1848, which brought Napoleon III to power. Effectively, the sidewalks that gave an emerging bourgeoisie a place to gather (a place from which to enter the theaters, opera houses and shops of a fashionable life) pushed the poor farther away from the center.

「In the time of Haussmann, the Paris bourgeoisie often spoke about 『les classes dangereuses' — the dangerous classes,」 Jean-Louis Cohen, an architectural historian, told me recently. 「He sought to expel the popular classes­ from the center, to push them out, to the north and northeast of the city. But it marks the beginning of a long conflict. The site of the Pompidou Center was originally razed in 1939 as part of a slum clearance project, for example. There is a pattern of pushing the working classes out.」

During the next wave of modernization in the 』60s and 』70s, there was talk of demolishing the great iron-and-glass food halls at Les Halles, the city's old, congested market area. The halls were finally torn down in 1971, an act that is still considered one of the great tragedies in the city's history — the equivalent, for the Parisian, of the demolition of New York's Pennsylvania Station. Most of the bars and cafes that surrounded Les Halles were destroyed, too. By the early 』70s, the government was planning hundreds of miles of new freeways, including one along the Seine and another that traced the footprint of the city's old defensive wall (now the Périphérique). Dozens of old wood-frame and plaster houses in the eastern working-class neighborhoods of Paris were bulldozed to make room for generic apartment blocks.

The threat to historic Paris — to the heart of France's cultural identity — eventually led to an equally violent counterreaction. In 1972 La Tour Maine-Montparnasse, a modern tower erected not far from the Luxembourg Gardens, caused a national uproar. Five years later all high-rises were banned from the center. The glittering office towers we associate with most urban downtowns were grouped in La Défense. Soon it seemed that anything that was ugly and modern was simply banished to the city's edges. The Périphérique became a dividing line, isolating the city of Haussmann from the growing modern sprawl in the banlieues that surrounded it.

This shift in the development of the city coincided with an equally striking shift in population. In 1919, there were three million people living in municipal Paris, and its working-class neighborhoods were some of the densest in the world. Today there are only two million in the city; the majority — eight million people — live in the banlieues. More than 100 years after Haussmann's death, old Paris has become the world's most elegant gated community — the sandblasted facades of its Haussmann-era buildings glistening with affluence. True, every now and then, a contemporary building is added. But this is mostly architectural fine-tuning. The city's essential fabric remains the same. Even its few ethnic neighborhoods, like La Goutte d'Or and La Chapelle, are mainly on the edges.

Meanwhile, just inside the Périphérique and beyond, is another Paris: a city of often dehumanizing public housing developments, concrete-slab office towers and arrested utopian schemes that embody many of Modernism's failures. On some level, Sarkozy's team of architects faces the same challenge Haussmann did 150 years ago: to give order to a vast, squalid, disordered metropolis that grew in fits and starts.

The day after I met with Portzamparc, Jean Nouvel drove me to another vision from the 1970s, Les Olympiades, a housing project in the 13th Arrondissement. At 63, Nouvel has often been on the wrong side of the city's urban planning wars. In the late 1960s he fought to save Les Halles from demolition, but he later lost the competition to redo the site. (Forum des Halles, which won, is considered one of Paris's modern horrors; it is also a main access point, via Paris's rapid-transit commuter rail, to the predominantly Arab banlieues to the north.)

The vast housing complex of Les Olympiades was built for Paris's then- booming middle class: teachers and academics as well as laborers. Today it is occupied mostly by Chinese immigrants. We climbed an escalator to a vast plaza two stories above street level, punctuated at the far end by a generic modern tower, its cast-concrete facade stained by water leaks. Two shorter apartment complexes framed it on either side. Sometime in the 1980s, a developer added some landscaping to make the plaza more welcoming, but the plants only make it look more forlorn.

「There is some life here,」 Nouvel said, leading me toward an arcade of shops in the tower's base. Inside, we passed a predictable assortment of hair salons, Chinese restaurants, video stores and pharmacies. The corridors were crowded with people coming home from work. Nouvel, with the practiced eye of an architect, noted that the proportions of the spaces were not bad. Interior walls could be knocked out to create bigger apartments, he said. Part of the plaza could be demolished to create a more direct connection to the street. But as Nouvel pointed out, the real issue is not whether this plaza can be saved. The question is what to do with the hundreds of developments like this one. 「The scale of the problem is impossible once you begin to look at it,」 Nouvel told me later as we sat in his office flipping through hundreds of nearly identical pictures taken from a helicopter above this city. 「The only possibility is to find a few strategic points of intervention. And then, maybe, you begin to imagine a different city.」

Nouvel traced the outer edges of greater Paris on a map, outlining a border roughly 625 miles long. A range of generic middle-class communities lies just inside this line. Beyond is rural France, a patchwork of fields and forests. Nouvel's plan is to create a harder, more defined edge — 「a thick band of gardens and fields that come right up to the front door, like a gigantic communal farmers' market. It is a place where you can grow tomatoes, care for children, play sports — a whole ecological life can happen.」

He proposes a similar strategy for the city's industrial canals, which could be framed by a mix of lushly landscaped parks and new housing developments. Rungis, the dreary suburb to the south where the city's abattoirs and markets were relocated after the destruction of Les Halles, would be transformed into a contemporary version of the old food halls. The nearby Orly airport could be opened to the surrounding area, so that the global elite and local residents might mingle in area restaurants and clubs. 「The point is that if we give people these things, then they have a reason to be there. They become real places, with their own identity, as interesting in their way as parts of central Paris.」

One way to stitch the city back together is by re-engineering what already exists. Richard Rogers's proposal, for example, focuses on the six major rail lines that run in and out of the city center. Many of the system's soaring cast- and wrought-iron stations were intended as emblems of a mobile, modern society. But the tracks divide the outskirts of the city into a series of wedges. 「The track beds are sometimes 300 meters wide,」 Mike Davies, the partner in charge of the project, told me. 「What's interesting, however, is that they are radial — like spokes. They're a natural place to bind the exterior and interior of the city.」

Rogers and Davies propose partly submerging the tracks underground and covering them with big public parks. An interstitial layer would contain technological services: water-purification systems, train maintenance and recycling centers. Enormous light wells cut into the parks would illuminate the trains below. Isolated neighborhoods, which now have little green space, would be intimately woven into the city's fabric. And the parks would link to a vast new greenbelt defining the city's edge.

Djamel Klouche, at 42 the youngest architect of the group, is also exploring the unique qualities of seemingly unsalvageable areas. Rather than demolish the dehumanizing apartment blocks in the poor and working-class suburbs, he proposes rethinking them. Walls might be blown out to create airier, loftlike apartments; bigger windows would let in more light. (This strategy is also being pursued by more-established French architects like Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal.) 「I live on the Boulevard de Strasbourg,」 Klouche said. 「A very noisy street. But heavier, more modern glass could shut out almost all of this noise, and suddenly this becomes a high-end luxurious apartment in the heart of Paris. Quieter electric cars, too, could eventually make corners of the city that now seem horrible quite beautiful.」

Even more quixotically, Klouche imagines building 「social collectors that attract all kinds of people,」 like a semisubmerged ring of shops and parks near the freeways. His most-tongue-in-cheek proposal would extend this vision into the heart of the old city, building a commuter rail line and multi-tiered mall — much like the current Forum des Halles — underneath the Grand Louvre. Here immigrants and workers coming in on trains from the poorest suburbs would mix with tourists in the city's great palace of culture. 「The beginnings of it are already there,」 he insisted. 「The Grand Louvre is a classical shell, but when you enter it, it is a radically contemporary space. You could have a much more aggressive interaction between what's underground and the history above.」 Klouche's fantasy is unlikely ever to be built, but it underscores the tensions between achieving cultural integration in theory and doing so in practice.

「We have to work with what's there,」 the Italian architect Bernardo Secchi, another participant in the design study, said recently. 「It is a city of 10, 11 million people; we can't destroy it. But we have to give a new spatial structure to this city.」 To save it, he says, we need to stop the city from spreading outward and to turn it in back on itself, to fill in these empty pockets with something of meaning.

Sarkozy has asked the 10 architectural teams working on the Paris plan to collaborate and produce a more cohesive blueprint for the future. The chances of a definitive plan emerging from such an effort seem remote — and even if one does, architecture won't solve all the city's social ills. Nonetheless, the Grand Paris project represents a critical shift in how we think of urbanism. The tabula rasa Modernist experiments of the 1960s and 1970s not only damaged cities across the world; their failure spelled the abandonment of visionary master planning. In places where large-scale urban projects did re-emerge, like China and the Middle East, older, poorer neighborhoods were often bulldozed to make room for new development at a frenetic pace, with little regard for how the pieces fit together.

The plans presented for Grand Paris suggest that it is possible to believe, once again, that government can play a decisive role in achieving a truly egalitarian city — and that architecture is essential to that transformation.