搖擺燈(waving algae-lamp KELP by swedish designer morgan rud


搖擺燈(waving algae-lamp KELP by swedish designer morgan rud

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'KELP'-是為了用於室外而設計的燈飾, 以半透明PVC為主材質, 透過LED及光纖原理, 作成此搖擺燈. 其PVC燈桿(1.9m)會隨風搖擺, 並型成扇型光屏.. pretty cool huh? :D

'kelp', is a lamp for exteriors made from translucent pvc that interacts with the surroundings.
it uses either a tiny LED light source or works with fibre optics. the flexibility of the long rod (which measures approximately 1,9 meters) allows the lamp to swing slightly in the wind. designed by swedish designer morgan rudberg, the 'kelp' lamp is made from recycled pvc bottles and has been presented recently as part of the program 'pvc for life and living' by the ECVM (european council of vinyl producers) in stockholm, sweden. the council states that : 'interesting is the fact that theoretically pvc can be recycled up to eight times...'
massimo 12.01.04

文章截自Designboom http://www.designboom.com/weblog/index.php [2 Dec 2004]